Sometimes life circumstances can trigger bouts of depression and other times it may appear that there is no reason to justify why you are feeling the way you do.
Do you find it difficult to do normal day-to-day tasks? Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things and an overall sense of apathy toward life? Is it hard to get out of bed or do you have trouble sleeping? Do you feel you are lacking a drive and motivation for your life? Have you struggled with feeling bad about yourself or have thoughts of suicide or self harm? If so, you may be experiencing depression.

Do you find it difficult to do normal day-to-day tasks? Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things and an overall sense of apathy toward life? Is it hard to get out of bed or do you have trouble sleeping? Do you feel you are lacking a drive and motivation for your life? Have you struggled with feeling bad about yourself or have thoughts of suicide or self harm? If so, you may be experiencing depression.

Sometimes life circumstances can trigger bouts of depression and other times it may appear that there is no reason to justify why you are feeling the way you do. It can be frustrating and cause you to feel hopeless or discouraged, especially if left untreated. Furthermore, depression can make you feel disconnected and isolated. It can impact relationships with people you care about which can perpetuate the symptoms of depression.
We have years of experience in treating depression and have helped hundreds of people find success in managing their depression. We can help you BECOME FREE from the overwhelming critical thoughts that often accompanies depression. We can help you in taking steps toward building a productive and more enjoyable life. We can help you find ways to CONNECT WITH YOUR TRUE SELF, not the depression which lies and tells you that you are not good enough, and in turn, we can help you to connect with others who are important to you.